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New Background for the Site


Hey, I have a new background for the home page, tell me if you like it, :). Also, thank you Christopher for sending me some kind and constructive fan mail a few days ago, much appreciated.

Sun, 27 Dec 2020 04:49:10 +0000

Windows 10: It just works!


I recently got a Thinkpad T430s as a Christmas gift for my Sister, and since she doesn't know how to use Linux at all but has been using Windows for a while I decided to install Windows 10 on it.

Big mistake.


First off, holy crap the default trackpad experience is awful. Whenever I briefly use the trackpoint to do something (say, while I'm eating or multitasking with my other hand, since I prefer the trackpoint when I can only use one hand) it disables the touchpad for about 5 seconds. Doesn't happen when I put my hard drive with Arch Linux in it, touchpad works perfectly out of the box. This may seem like a tiny insignificant think but it really bothers me. To add onto this, whenever I wanted to type and use the touchpad at the same time (Like if I was playing a video game), the touchpad/trackpoint just don't work whenever I'm pressing a key on the keyboard. So I did a little bit of digging and found out that this is a "feature" called palm check. So I googled how to get rid of it, found out that I had to install some crappy drivers from Lenovo, reboot the laptop, find the setting in the clunky menu not updated since 2007, and disable it, phew!

Background Usage and Dumb Bloat

So I naïvely thought that, you know, 4 gigabytes of DDR3 RAM would be fine for simple web browsing, it's a little behind the times, but it should still hold up fine, after all I've been using my T420 for well over a year with 4 gigs of RAM and I've never had issues with that! Welp... guess not... Windows 10 took up 80% OF MY RAM WHEN I HAD NO WINDOWS OPEN, I REPEAT, NO WINDOWS OPEN! thanks, built in Windows 10 antivirus and bloatware. The only way I could drop it down to something not awful was by running third party scripts to get rid of some of it and tinker in the settings. As of typing this, 83% of my 4 gigabytes of RAM are being taken up on my T420 on Arch Linux, but here's the difference: I have two Firefox windows open, one with one tab, the other with eleven. I have Discord open, and I have Kgpg open, which is a tad bit more than IDLING WITH NO WINDOWS AT ALL! Like, I assumed that Windows 10 would work smoothly out of the box, but guess not... It is so embarrasing that Windows 10 is still the most popular OS out there. 4 gigs of RAM held up fine on Arch Linux, but I doubt it will hold up as well on Windows 10.

Thu, 24 Dec 2020 05:06:30 +0000

This site is now Christmas themed!


The site's home page is now completely Christmas themed (aside from when I put the Santa hat on the mountain a few days ago), it has a Santa hat as its favicon now, and I added some snow to the home page background, hopefully it looks a bit more in-season now.

christmaspage If you don't see any of the changes mentioned above and you're reading this in 2020, then try clearing your browser cache or opening this site in an incognito/private browsing window.

I'm also considering changing the home page wallpaper after Christmas to something different as it's been the same wallpaper for months, I will look in my own free time for a new wallpaper.

Anyways, happy holidays, and I hope you're all doing well and are safe in these uncertain times.

Mon, 14 Dec 2020 17:32:14 +0000

Visitor Counter - Gone, but will be missed


Rest in peace to the visitor counter that was previously on the front page of this site. It was up for a whole 5 days without being botted!


As you can see, it was a simple tracker for how many people visited my site, and it worked well. Now my stats are kinda ruined since somebody today decided to throw 100 bots at my site to either intentionally mess with the visitor counter (if so, nice job lol), or to try (and fail) to DDOS my site, I'm not sure how DDOSing works though so I could be wrong.

Anyways, my trusty visitor counter will be sorely missed, rest in peace, litte guy. You're gone, but never forgotten.

graph Wed, 02 Dec 2020 15:12:29 +0000


Recently I got a PS Vita to play vidya games on, and I'd like to share my thoughts about it here.

I spent a total of $151.09 for my PS Vita, and that is a pretty high price for one of these, but I don't regret buying the one I bought because it is in basically mint condition, and functions perfectly. Scratches on screens bug me way more than they should! The screen looks great and the console looks great. Maybe I'm just trying to convince myself that it wasn't a bad financial decision, idk :P

The number of games that appeal to me on this console is... surprising! I've never watched anime before and intentionally probably never will (I do want to get a life, you know!) but Danganronpa on the Vita is actually quite fun, aside from some parts in it that I don't wanna talk about... All jokes aside, I'm a couple hours in it and the story is a bit slow, but captivating! The Walking Dead Season 1 is also very interesting and I'm almost done with that game and am hooked on it.

Here's a short video of what my Vita looks like, with my abnormally small hands.

maybe i should do less vidya game and do more werk, hmm....

Sun, 29 Nov 2020 19:29:03 +0000

Start of this blog...


Hey! This is the first post on this blog thing, not gonna keep a schedule or anything, just posting what I want to when I want to, thanks to Luke Smith's lb script for making it much easier to set up this blog. Enjoy!

Sun, 29 Nov 2020 06:03:29 +0000